Once you have received your prepaid card, during the test phase you will need to follow the instructions below.
Before we can activate your card we need to verify your ID and address, because your Cashbackcard Prepaid Card is a regulated financial product. We are required by the authorities to know how we are sending cards to (it’s called Know Your Customer). Like when you setup a bank account, but less of a hassle.
To send us your documents by email:
- Scan or take a photo of your passport or drivers licence, and utility bill/council tax/bank statement
- Email them to cardservices@ipagoo.com
- Put your name and Card ID (the 9 digit number on the front of your card) in the subject line (so we can match your documents to your card)
- Make sure the scans and photos are clear and in colour
- Ensure the utility bill / council tax / bank statement is less than three months old
To send us your documents by post:
- Photocopy your passport or drivers licence, and utility bill/council tax/bank statement
- Post them to:
FAO Cards Team
5th Floor
110 Fenchurch Street
- Put your name and Card ID (the 9 digit number on the front of your card) on a piece of paper in the envelope (so we can match your documents to your card)
- Make sure the scans and photos are clear and in colour
- Ensure the utility bill / council tax / bank statement is less than three months old
Once we have received the documents and verified them, we will call you to activate your card.
At that point your PIN will be sent to the mobile number you gave us when you registered for your card.